Mercedes Sprinter

Mercedes Sprinter regálů a polic

Nabízíme širokou škálu možností sestav regálů a polic pro vozy Mercedes Sprinter. Když víte co hledáte, v naší nabídce naleznete sestavy regálů určených pouze pro montáž ve vozech Sprinter, stejně jako široký výběr polic a příslušenství pro všechny varianty tohoto modelu. V případě, že ne, nabízíme zdarma konzultační servis, ve kterém vám navrhneme 3D model a plánek dle Vašich požadavků.


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Mercedes Sprinter overview

The global automobile manufacturer Mercedes-Benz has nurtured a reputation for producing luxury cars, buses, vans and lorries. Founded under the name of Daimler-Benz in 1926, the German company can be traced back to Karl Benz, who in 1886 made Benz Patent-Motorwagen, which is widely regarded as the first automobile. The Mercedes-Benz Sprinter is a light commercial van introduced in 1995 to replace the famous but outdated Mercedes-Benz TN van. It was voted International Van of the Year for 1995.

Following the first generation (1995–2006), the Sprinter van (2006–2018) second gen was introduced in Europe in 2006 and voted Van of the Year 2007 and again in 2008 by Professional Van and Light Truck Magazine. More recently, in the What Van? Awards 2014 the Mercedes-Benz Sprinter won the Large Van category and took top spot in the Safety Award for 2014, recognising the high degree of safety the Sprinter van offered.

The Mercedes Sprinter is also known as the NCV3 or New Concept Van 3 in Europe and other countries while North America received its own NCV3 in 2007 - read more

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